The Rosemont website is packed with convention and meeting-related information, details about attractions in Rosemont like the Allstate Arena and the Rosemont Theatre, popular dining options, and current news about the village. The website also boasts a robust online calendar now capable of archiving past events for retrieval by staff and visitors.
Built entirely on the ASP.NET platform, the new website uses a SQL Server 2005 database to provide website content which is maintained by administrators via a secure content administration utility. Administrators use a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) content editor that resembles the familiar Microsoft Word interface. New web pages are developed offline using popular word processing software and simply pasted into the online editor. These new pages will maintain all of the layout and formatting applied offline while seamlessly being converted to HTML on the fly.
Using the latest industry-standard Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, the web pages are served from ASP.NET as HTML pages, coded using search engine friendly titles and URL’s. The use of SEO-friendly anchor tags will help improve Rosemont’s organic placement in search engines and make the URL’s easier for users to share and to use. ReachFarther also used current SEO standards to set other key elements of page copy, like key tags, page titles, META descriptions, in addition to the enhanced anchor tags.
You can visit the Rosemont Convention & Tourism Bureau website online @ Information on ReachFarther and their services can be found on their website @