A Web Design Agency based in Morristown NJ
Web Design Agency
ReachFarther is a full-service web development agency passionately helping customers from across the country navigate today’s complex digital world. You need more than just a talented web designer, you need development expertise and a comprehensive understanding of the entire web development process, from initial project discovery to post-launch hypercare.
Headquartered in Morristown, NJ, when ReachFarther was founded Mark Zuckerberg was still in high school and Facebook was four years from being launched from his Harvard dorm room. That’s more than two decades of web development experience and more than two decades of knowledge that we’ll bring to your web design project. Over the years the tools have changed as the internet has evolved, but the basic concepts of content strategy and technical expertise remain just as important today as they were in 2000.
The Best People Make up the Best Web Design Agency
ReachFarther has succeeded through the management of our key resource: our personnel. Three of our full-time employees have been with ReachFarther for more than ten years which has formed a cohesive web design team with an exceptional track record. Our internal roles and responsibilities are finely tuned, and this is exemplified through our ability to manage projects and deliver on professional web design service expectations. We are proud to maintain web development, WordPress maintenance, and solid web design agency relationships with some of the country’s largest companies, as well as with some of it’s smallest local businesses.
ReachFarther is a nimble web design agency with a broad customer base, helping customers of all sizes succeed today and tomorrow.

Best Web Design Agency in NJ
And we’re not the only ones who recognize our client-focus and dedication to support, quality, and web design expertise. In 2019 ReachFarther was selected as the best web design agency in NJ by DesignRush, something we’re very proud of.
How Will ReachFarther Get to Know Your Business?
We believe in comprehensive project discovery. It’s the discovery process that fleshes out key milestones, outlines specific web development deliverables, and sets expectations for both sides before the project begins. In our experience without the effort to perform comprehensive project discovery, projects can fall off track. It’s during discovery where we’ll seek out key stakeholders and ask the questions we need answered to in order to deliver a great web design product.
Project discovery consists of gathering an understanding of the high-level business objectives, target audience and competitor set, framing these inputs as tangible requirements, and reconciling them with the functional and technical requirements for any good web design project. Once established, these objectives and requirements will drive the creative process.
Once we have gathered all information, objectives, business needs and considerations, our team will define the business, technical, strategic, content and creative requirements for the new website. Site maps will be created so that both parties are on the same page regarding website structure and content requirements.
Website Design Platform Recommendation
ReachFarther always uses the best tool for the job. Our web projects are developed primarily within:
- Open source: WordPress (LAMP stack)
- Proprietary: ASP.NET Developer, a Microsoft technology (Windows Server, IIS, SQL Server, ASP.NET)
WordPress is a very robust CMS “out of the box” giving content administrators all the tools they need to manage a website. It also has an extensive and easy to deploy library of plugins that both speed development and facilitate expansion down the line. It’s a ubiquitous platform running tens of millions of websites worldwide, so chances are current and future personnel will already be familiar with the interface reducing the learning curve and guarding against knowledge loss when there is turnover. And because it’s so widely used, you don’t lock yourself into a single developer, a single designer, or even a single web host. As your needs or preferences change, so can your partners and new partners will be readily available to work within an environment they’re familiar with.
Need Guidance, Assistance, or Simply Want to Talk Accessibility?
Our developers can answer the tough questions you have, and we can quickly suggest some potential avenues to remediate your existing website, not matter who built it.